Total Medals Earned: 105 (From 21 different games.) Total Medal Score: 1,365 Points
Medals Earned: 7/8 (125/150 points)
Pass the first stage of the Castle
Eat the meat off of a werewolf
Pick up the ability to imbue your fists with fire
Pass the Second stage of the Castle
Pass the fourth stage of the Castle
Absorb enough meat to become a Meaty Boner
Pass the fifth stage of the Castle
Get into a fight with the big giant floating head thingy!
Medals Earned: 2/4 (50/125 points)
Take the easy way out.
Kinghood suxx
That's quite a busy reign
Grab your piece of eternal kingship
Medals Earned: 5/8 (75/235 points)
Congratulations! You beat the game!
Completed all the quests in Camp Gizbo.
Have 5 gold or more at one point in the game.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlocked 20 chests with Lock Pick or Skeleton Keys.
Lucky enough to loot a rare world drop!
Medals Earned: 9/13 (225/350 points)
Lose against any team
Medals Earned: 3/21 (15/500 points)
Launch Piconjo: AFK
Catch your first fish.
Earn $100 in total
Catch a Tank Fish
Catch a Fish Man
Catch an Hourglass Dog
Catch a Grunt
Catch a Golden Whale
Catch a Zombeh Limb
Earn $1000 in total
Earn $10000 in total
Earn $100000 in total
Earn $1000000 in total
Rescue the crab
Blow up Pico as he rides past
Ascend for the first time
Max out all stats (excluding ascension)
Take a peek at the credits
Medals Earned: 4/20 (30/490 points)
Don't get hit for 30 seconds.
Defeat the largest Peon.
Defeat the largest Grunt.
Defeat the largest Splitter.
Acquire a score of 100,000 or greater.
Reach level 10
Defeat the largest Miner.
Defeat the largest Waver.
Don't spend any skill points and reach level 10 or greater.
Accurately land 50 shots without a single miss.
Destroy 50 mines in a single game.
Reach a kill chain of 1000
Defeat the largest Fume.
Defeat the largest Seeker.
Defeat the largest Shield.
Defeat the largest Vessel.
Defeat 1000 enemies in a single game.
Completely fill your bestiary by defeating 20 of each enemy in the game.
Acquire all Trophies.
100% the game (Acquire a gold star on the main menu for both Trophy and the Bestiary buttons)
Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/500 points)
Start your adventure
Catch a Bidoof
Use Dexter to research a Pokemon
Reach Level 5
As Meowth, KO a Pokemon owned by Ash
Explore every area in the Campo Region
Catch a Pokemon from a pond
Deal 4x super effective damage to a wild Pokemon
Add Racecar the Girafarig to your team
Reach Level 10
Defeat Yanmega in Mantis Forest
Travel over 10,000 metres
Defeat Qwilfish in Periwinkle Pond
Defeat Cacturne in Midnight Graveyard
Catch a pseudo-legendary Pokemon
Defeat Stunky in Fandango Fields
Defeat Dugtrio in Cordovan Cave
KO 100 wild Pokemon
Beat the game
Medals Earned: 4/14 (25/290 points)
A Nice Center Smash
Five Love Taps
Far Right Smoosh
Far Left Hit
Cut Off a Conversation
Ten Crush-Hugs
You Obey the Rule of Three for Big Yucks!
Fifteen Gory Love Lunges
20 Hits in Survival
Perfect Score in Story Mode
21 Spikey Embraces
30 Hits in Survival
40 Hits in Survival
50 Hits in Survival
Medals Earned: 5/8 (25/45 points)
Finished your first drawing.
Notified someone after taking your turn.
Started a game with a random user.
Found the hidden troll face.
Reach a score of at least 10.
Medals Earned: 15/20 (270/500 points)
Get skewered on spikes
Launch the Turtle
Smash a goomba
Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)
Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)
Blow up a jeep
Crush an angry ground creature
Reach space
Get punched by a banana
Get burned by a sun
Play over an hour
Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)
Use a nuke
Play over 2 hours
Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)
Find the hidden button
Get caught by a UFO
Buy everything
Total over 1 million feet
Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)